so, {the college years} is gone, and in its place--a hopeful hood! having graduated college less than a month ago, i decided that i'd switch from "the college years" as a blog title sooner, rather than later.
since i married devin and got the nifty last name "hood," i've been trying to figure out ways to incorporate it into my blog/twitter/instagram, etc. i was "juliefromdahood" for a while, and then i used "yourstrulyjuliee" since it was also my blog's link...
but now i've got a blog name, a blog link, and all my social stuff on one page (so to speak?). the "hopeful" part of the new blog title is not always the case--i'm not always cheerful, but thankfully God is working in my heart so that my life reflects more of his joy and the hope i have in him, instead of reflecting a bad attitude or bitterness.
and so it goes, a new chapter on my post-college life. i'm still hoping for a teaching job (....if any of those school districts i've applied to would ever call me back!), and i'm hoping you, dear reader, will stick around :)
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