my sister lisa and i are concert buddies. (don't be jealous that i have a best friend, sister, and concert buddy all in one.) together, we've seen relient k, family force 5, david crowder, the vespers, and we've also been to creation. and just last week, we went to see rend collective!
in case you haven't heard, this folk band from northern ireland is amazing. rend collective's creativity in writing songs really reflects the joy they have in Jesus! the depth of their lyrics revolve around Jesus' sacrifice for us on the cross and how we are now conquerors over sin and death, through him. also, they're hysterical. go watch this youtube video of rend collective teaching lecrae how to speak northern irish.
if you're looking for a worship band that doesn't sound like the typical stuff, look them up! even their concerts were worship-focused. they put the words on screens, and after a few songs their drummer, garthe, shared a few things in that beautiful irish accent of his! he said that if we still are feeling guilty over our sin, then it's like we're saying Jesus's death wasn't enough. "sorry God, i see what you did for me but i'm going to take it a little further and feel bad about all my sin, too..."
the lead singer also mentioned, "we don't believe in worship leaders. we believe in the Holy Spirit."
what's one of your favorite worship bands? what's your favorite rend collective song?