is anyone else a last-minute planner? or a cheapskate? no, just me? well then read my lame ideas and laugh.
Star-gazing in a pick-up: devin shot down this idea on account of it's 20 degrees or colder at night. but some handwarmers, blankets, and hot chocolate in a thermos? i think we could do it.
chic-fil-a for dinner: no reservation needed! our bible study joked about running into each other there...but actually. i would be so happy for chic-fil-a on valentine's (also because they're still giving out free coffee!)
dessert for dinner: have a favorite dessert place? getting dessert together could be romantic and save money.
card-making & delivery: make cards to tell the people in your life how much you love them, and then deliver them to their mailboxes in secret! (these pictures are from last night when liz and i got all crafty and made valentine's day cards.)
pot -luck dinner with friends: if you have friends who are also looking for something to do, organize a potluck dinner! plot twist: everyone brings their favorite unhealthy dish. (mashed potatoes with heavy cream? three-tier chocolate cake? go for it!)
sidenote: i am fairly ambivalent about valentine's day, although this year devin and i are recreating
last year's trip to the iron hill brewery, which should be fun! i like the excuse to do something fun with devin, and i like making cards, and i like telling people i love them. but other than that....i'm not super attached.
how do you feel about vday?
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