Who loves an ornament with a picture of your kids in it? Grandparents, that's who. Plus, a little truck carrying a Christmas tree and your kids driving it? Maximum cuteness, achieved. (Thank you, Pinterest, for your inspiration.)
This year, with Emma being 3 and Aiden 4, we really are able to do a lot of fun crafts that I would not have attempted last year. For this ornament craft, your kids can be as involved as you want them to be. Emma enjoyed painting the popsicle sticks and gluing them together (Emma: "dot, dot not alot" Me: "ok but actually you need more glue than that"), and I added the fake tree/photo/twine afterwards.
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Craft supplies:
- Wallet-sized photo (of your kids, your dog, your spouse, your neighbor, whoever)
- Popsicle sticks (we happened to only have the wide kind, but thinner ones look better)
- Red paint or red markers
- Twine, for hanging it
- Kid glue
- ALSO hot glue
- Tape to attach the photo (or you could use a dot of hot glue)
- Some type of black circle to glue on as wheels (we used craft foam scraps we happened to have!)
- Something to use as a fake tree: I literally cut pieces off of our fake-pine front door wreath 😂
I've bolded the steps that your toddler can do with you below!
What to do:
- If you're using wide popsicle sticks (like I did!), cut them in half and down to size:
- 2 full length popsicle sticks, for the bed of the truck
- 2 4-5" popsicle sticks, for the front cab of the truck
- 3-4" popsicle stick, for the roof of the truck
- 2-3" popsicle stick, for the very end of the truck bed
- Paint the popsicle sticks red (or color them with markers)
- When the sticks dry, glue them together (see the pictures)
- Attach the twine to the top of the truck
- Tape or hot-glue the picture on
- Hot glue the fake tree piece to the bed of the truck
- Glue on the wheels, whether you use black construction paper circles or black buttons, etc.
- Write the year on the back so the grandparents can remember how old the kids were that year!
That's it! We've already given some of these ornaments to the grandparents (great-grantparents will get theirs this week!) and so far, they seem to LOOOVE THEM. And it's not because this is a quality, professional-looking item. Clearly. See all my photos.
But it's a cute thing in a weird year, so why not!?
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